July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I recently read and LOVED The Jasad Heir by Sara Hashem.

    While I wait for the sequel to come out, I’m looking for something similar: mature, well-written fantasy with an enemies-to-lovers trope.

    It does not have to be explicit at all; I am not opposed to sex scenes, but I’m also not looking for smut. However, I ask is that it be adult fantasy and *not* YA. When I googled “enemies to lovers fantasy,” every single suggestion was YA.

    by FanaticalXmasJew

    1 Comment

    1. A River Enchanted by Rebecca Ross (though the enemies is pretty minimal, more like brief dislike. It’s beautifully written though)

      Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros

      One Dark Window (not YA but sometimes gets placed there)

      The Foxglove King

      A Study in Drowning is labeled YA but the characters are college age, the writing is great, and it has some mature themes.

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