Book: Madame Bovary
Author: Gustave Flaubert
Originally published in 1857
So after I read Count of Monte Cristo and subsequently crowning it my favorite book, I wanted to try reading another classic French novel. My partner already owned Madame Bovary and said I should read it so I did. Classic French novelists are on some other level when it comes to description and prose. Like a dense rich cake I could only consume small slices at a time. There was one character in the book that gave me a sour taste in my mouth however, no doubt on purpose.
The pharmacist, Homais, has to be one of the most annoying gasbags I’ve ever experienced in any story. Madame Bovary did not illicit as much anger in me as any time Homais opened his mouth. He was written so well that I wanted to strangle him. >!AND he not only gets away with financially stifling Charles by taking all his patients, but at the end of the book is prospering!!<
Anyone else have any thoughts about this character?
by cerberus00