September 2024
    M T W T F S S


    1. barnabasackett on

      Sergeant Obadiah Hakeswill from the Sharpe series by Bernard Cornwell. The guy is literally the worst… liar, cheat, murderer, rapist, thief, coward, and a shitty Sergeant.

    2. snowflakebite on

      From The Farseer Trilogy – I of course hate Regal, the shitbag, and his many minions. I’m only 20% of the way through Asassin’s Quest, so no spoilers please.

      I know this isn’t what was asked, but someone from the series that I’m lukewarm on but have moments of strongly disliking is Molly. I fully understood why she acted the way she did with the knowledge that she had, but she was infuriating as someone who was rooting for her and Fitz to be happy. The same goes for Fitz – I wanted him to win but dear god was he stupid sometimes.

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