July 2024
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    1. Wavewalker by Suzanne Heywood. She was an English girl of 7 years old when her father told her and her brother he was selling their house, buying a boat and sailing down to the Pacific Ocean in the footsteps of Captain Cook. It was an edge-of-the-seat read at times.

    2. historybooksandtea on

      Endurance was fabulous. Definitely worth a read.

      Savage Harvest by Carl Hoffman – about the disappearance of Michael Rockefeller in New Guinea in 1961

      The Wild Truth by Carine McCandless (forward by John Krakauer) – sister’s true account of her brother’s journey (and death) in Alaska. Krakauer also wrote In the Wild about Chris McCandless which was fab, they’re both great reads.

      The White Rock, an Exploration of the Inca Heartland — an all time fav

      Lost City of the Monkey God by Douglas Preston — another all time fav

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