October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Allow the words to seep into your consciousness, each one carrying meaning and significance. Take the time to fully absorb each paragraph, each page, as if they were precious gems in your hands. Instead of rushing through a hundred books with a superficial glance, I urge you to choose ten books and read them deeply, repeatedly. While there are countless volumes we may never have the chance to explore, let us not be disheartened. Let us focus on immersing ourselves in a handful of works, for it is in this focused engagement that true understanding can flourish.

    In our fast-paced world, where speed governs our lives—fast food, fast cars, fast internet, fast entertainment—we risk losing touch with the profound reality of our existence. We forget that we are living, breathing beings on this vast planet, hurtling through space. Amidst the frenzy of rapid progress, we must pause and recognize the value of slowness. We must reclaim the precious act of being present in the moment.

    So, I implore you, my friend, to resist the urge for constant acceleration. Decelerate, take a moment to soak up the written word, to savour its essence. Allow yourself to be captivated by the rhythm and meaning of each sentence. In doing so, one will rediscover the beauty of the world and the depth of human experience through the art of slow reading.

    by Affectionate_Shape73

    1 Comment

    1. eighty2angelfan on

      I read Dune over a couple of months. I have a busy life an short attention span but absorb books.

      My friend read it immediately after over a few days. Upon finishing it I tried to have a discussion about events and characters. He had no idea whatcI was talking about. He couldn’t remember anything other than spice, fremen, and Paul.

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