November 2024
    M T W T F S S

    My sister is in a polygamy relationship (2 wives, 1 husband). She is very much about image and her husband has one of the biggest narcissistic egos I have ever seen. The image my sister has chosen to display is the perfect rural farming homeschooling Christian. The Christian part doesn’t bother me, but she goes into the crazier side of it. My sister and her husband are not very good people and the three of them and I have become estranged. I still have some contact with the children (6 kids ages ranging from 4 to 18). They are good sweet kids. Their parents teach them to use religion to discriminate and their father berates them over every little mistake, telling them their family is better than everyone else and they shouldn’t fail at anything. He tells them that failing makes them as inferior as everyone else. Due to the estrangement, I can really only influence them through Christmas gifts. My sister has this thing against technology, so they do a lot of reading. For Christmas I always give them books, specifically looking for something to help them cope with the situation. The children don’t seem to share their parents tendencies and I want them to grow up to be good and happy people. What books can I give them that will help with this while not being obvious to their parents? They already think I’m Funny Weird Aunty, but if it’s too obvious they will cut me off from the children completely. And with little to no outside influence, I’m worried they will grow up to be hateful.

    I mostly need books for the 5 youngest (ages 4 to 12). The 18 year old is from my sister’s first marriage and was only homeschooled his high school years, so he had a lot of outside influence and came out ok.

    They are all at a higher reading level, so they can read beyond their age group reading level.

    by 3eyeuniverse

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