July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello folks, I know the title sounds strange but I would like to share my experience here before asking for book recommendations.

    It has been several months sine the last time I read, and I would like to start reading again but I am just to lazy to start reading. Additionally, I don’t know what to read. Generally, for quite a long time I have been quite disinterested in activities that do not provide instant dopamine doses. It might be related to my excessive use of social media platforms. Whenever I want to start an activity I want to leave it and consume social media content instead. This goes for watching movies as well. I can not watch movies and prefer series as my brain cannot concentrate enough for a 120 minute long movie.

    Anyways, I digress. I would appreciate it if you could recommend me some books. For reference, I am interested in history, politics, psychology, philosophy, and many other genres.

    by HotCry846


    1. “Team of rivals” (Doris Kearns Goodwin), “SPQR” (Mary Beard), “Asian godfathers” (Joe Studwell), or possibly even “Humankind” (Rutger Bregman).

    2. “Free” by Lea Ypi is a great mix of history and philosophy.  Not too long, and a lot of anecdotes.  An autobiography of a person’s childhood in Albania, and touches on what is real “freedom”

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