July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’ve recently finished reading 11.22.63 for the second time, and it’s without a doubt my favourite book. I’m curious what you guys think of the book? For me, I’m extremely interested in the concept of time travel, heavily interested in True crime and History, so it’s almost like it was written for me😂
    I’m not typically into romance stories either, and I had no idea that it was quite a prominent topic in this story when I first read it, but it turned out to be my favourite aspect of the story.

    by Scary-Sea4540


    1. My wife and I read it aloud for a while, and I enjoyed it. But it bogged down. I thought it was too long by half.

      (My wife loves it, and says that if anybody starts it now, they can finish it by 11.22.23.)


      Oddly, I really hate time travel as a subject and quite enjoyed this book. I think the way King wrote the main character (who’s name is slipping my mind at the moment) inhabiting the past really got me into the book when I’d have otherwise bailed.

    3. TheMachineTookShape on

      I was fine with it, I quite enjoyed reading it, until one day I read a question on reddit which pointed out an inconsistency with >! Al somehow hiring a nurse to look after him, when he didn’t actually have cancer until he tried one last time to save Kennedy in the past !<

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