July 2024
    M T W T F S S


    1. A Night in the Lonesome October by Roger Zelazny

      Blurb: “Loyally accompanying a mysterious knife-wielding gentleman named Jack on his midnight rounds through the murky streets of London, good dog Snuff is busy helping his master collect the grisly ingredients needed for an unearthly rite that will take place not long after the death of the moon.”

      Told from Snuff’s POV, the Good vs. Evil/Lovecraftian mystery unfolds night by night over the month of October.

      Enjoyable read.

    2. Something Wicked This Way Comes by Ray Bradbury

      This atmospheric dark fantasy novel takes place at a traveling carnival. The main characters are thirteen and best friends. This one always suits the season and makes me remember that age.

    3. *The Devil Rides Out* by Dennis Wheatley

      *Ghost Story* by Peter Straub

      *Roald Dahl’s Book of Ghost Stories* is also a great read

    4. UnusualEngineering58 on

      My Heart is a Chainsaw – Stephen Graham Jones, especially if you mean “spooky” in the sense of horror/slasher movies. It’s the first in a trilogy as well.

      Also I’d say a lot of Stephen King books fit the bill. I always favor Pet Semetary this time of year – a lot of the action in the book takes place at Halloween and in the fall/winter, which makes it an extra-spooky autumn read for me. For those who do audiobooks, the one read by Michael C Hall is excellent.

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