September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Just started on A Portrait of the artist as a young man and I am definitely not enjoying it at all. I am somewhere in chapter 2, and the story feels dry and bland. I know next to nothing about the history of Ireland, other than Catholics VS Protestants, which I picked up on reading about Dante and her feathers. Even the slangs used in the book are confusing, even more so than complicated big words.

    All the religion and lack of action makes it a dry read. I am considering DNF-ing it even though I don’t want to, since I’ve been curious about reading James Joyce for a while. I did read half a page of Finnegans Wake, and I instantly just put it down because it was too complex for my puny brain to understand.

    Is there something that I am not understanding or is perhaps this book just not for me?

    by NommingFood

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