September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Recently, I have been focusing a lot on improving my mental strengths and I have found certain books extremely helpful on this. To name a couple: Matthew Perry’s memoir Friends, Lovers, and the Big, Terrible Thing; The Chimp Paradox, and Digital Minimalism.

    I would say that these books have done a great job of helping me on my journey to building my self-confidence and understanding better how my mind works by educating me rather than motivating me, which I do see as a more sustainable and more effective way to level myself up in the long-term.

    I believe now I am at a stage in my life where I would like to concentrate my efforts further on my body rather than my mind, and I would like some ideas for books which educate on the importance of becoming physically strong and fit, rather than trying to motivate.

    For example, I would like something that explains the big-picture benefits of keeping in shape including things like how it strengthens the mind; perhaps that it means you age more gracefully, or that it can increase self-confidence by improving self-image. These are all just examples, of course, but if anyone has any ideas for books like this, I would appreciate it so much!

    by Less-Wind-8270

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