September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello, everybody! I am relatively new to Reddit but I figured if there’s someone who can help me it must be in here… I was once an avid reader, but soon after graduating (\~3 years ago) from Uni I hit a reading slump. If I would inhale a book in a week, now it’d take me two months. Can you please suggest a really good book that can uplift me a bit? Here are my genre interests:
    \- Fantasy; I’m a huuuuge fan of Brandon Sanderson works and I’m currently forcing myself to continue the Mistborn series. I read the first 3 books very fast and enjoyed them so much, and I loved book 4, and I’m sure I’ll love book 5 but my stupid mind is missing some neurons because idky I can’t read faster.
    \- YA novels, but not those entirely centered on teenage romance because I’m afraid I’m a bit old for that and can’t relate :’) (I’m 25)
    \- SciFi; idk if Marissa Meyer’s Lunar Chronicles count as SciFi but boy do I love that series. I’ve read other SciFi stuff, too, and I’m a big Star Wars fan.
    \- Historical fictions
    And idk which categories are these but I loved A Man Called Ove, Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine, and The Giver Of Stars (by Jojo Moyes).
    A big thank you in advance!!!

    by ZeinebOnAir23

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