October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello, new to this subreddit. After having not read for leisure for 20 years, now nearly 40 years old,I would like to get back into reading. I read American Prometheus over the past couple months and loved the activity of lying down and reading every night. It made me want to continue doing this regularly going forward.

    Unfortunately, having been away from books for decades, I do not have a starting point and am overwhelmed. There are thousands of great books but I have no idea where to start. In high school I read LOTR and some political thrillers that I enjoyed. In general, these are things I like:

    1. Good storytelling
    2. World-building
    3. Fantasy and Sci-fi
    4. Historical (fiction or non-fiction)
    5. The classics

    It’s broad, I know. I want to feel like I have read the important books that I’ve missed out on.

    by Darthsat

    1 Comment

    1. The best current fantasy writer IMO is Brandon Sanderson. His world building is great and his magic systems are a lot of fun. Are you looking for lighter reads or heavier reads or anything? Personally I mostly read for enjoyment so I avoid the “heavier” stuff, but if you want something with a bit of both worlds check out Discworld by Terry Pratchett. The series is top notch and has such human characters (even if said characters are trolls, dwarfs, vampires, or a magically altered librarian turned into an orangutan). 

      If you are looking for super light and easy to consume, and are a fan of video games, consider checking out some Litrpg books. It’s essentially a video game in book form. Or progression if you like to see a character go from nothing to annihilating gods and celestial beings. 

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