September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello readers and welcome to our Weekly FAQ thread! Our topic this week is: Do you keep track of the books you read? Please use this thread to discuss why and how you track the books you’ve read.

    You can view previous FAQ threads [here]( in our [wiki](

    Thank you and enjoy!

    by AutoModerator


    1. FellyJishBadSoy on

      I do, in my head and by what’s on my bookshelf. For me, if I start keeping track of them any more diligently it then becomes too similar to work. I read for fun and for the knowledge gained, so I personally don’t concern myself with keeping track on paper or through an app

    2. DoctorBeeBee on

      Yes, because I have to track EVERYTHING. (Okay, I’m trying to do less tracking this year, but still tracking books.) I used Goodreads for it for years, but this year I’ve switched over to The Storygraph. Because it has graphs! LOL. I’m also doing a spreadsheet, as a sort of backup, though might drop that mid year and just export my Storygraph stats at the end of the year.

      I do it because tracking and stats are just appealing to me. It’s also helping me see trends in my reading. I feel like I’m currently in a bit of a transitional phase in my reading tastes, so trying to figure out my reading wheelhouse (as Brea and Mallory on the Reading Glasses podcast call it.)

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