September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I am disappointed in the book, I feel like it had so much potential but the conclusion is nothing happened in the book. Many would say tht is the whole point-you should feel the dangers and hopelessness of the situation but I disgaree,why would I want to learn about just another story where nothing will change ? There are hundreds of those in 1984 world alone. Why don’t tell us the story of when there is some sort of change happening? In my opinion , many books won’t even be an interesting or entertaining read if all of them think a plot where nothing changes is great.
    I also didn’t like the fact that they show Julia laughing and acc pting Winson when he literally said he was thinking to SA her.

    by QuietFoundation5464


    1. We have noticed your thread’s title mentioned a popular book title in /r/books. Please consider visiting some of [these recent threads!](/r/books/search?q=1984&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) You might also enjoy the subreddit /r/1984!

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    2. Ending works for me because it’s cautionary tale. For maximum punch, it’s better that it is left unresolved.

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