July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi new reader here. I have always heard about how fun reading can be but never really got into it (would just watch t.v. instead). Well I decided to finally give it a shot and bought my first book last week. I’m having trouble though – whenever I try to read I get really nervous that I might not know all of the words and I start sweating and hyperventilating and end up having to put the book away. Is reading just not for me ?

    by bobofoam


    1. BarberProfessional28 on

      I, at 34, still find words that I didn’t know when I am reading.
      It is completely normal to not know words or phrases and sometimes even the cultural or historical context can go completely amiss until you go hunting for clue to put two and two together.

      Consider yourself being Sherlock Holmes (the mighty smart detective) who has set out to find all the words that he didn’t know as he reads the book.

      PS: reading ebooks is also super helpful in fighting this anxiety as you can simply look up a word by highlighting it.

      Happy reading 🩵

    2. puffsnpupsPNW on

      No! Think about it like TV! There are some shows I start and I’m like “uhhh this is gonna go over my head,” but that doesn’t mean TV isn’t for me. It just means I need to find the right show for me. Same thing with books. You can always keep your dictionary app pulled up but you can also read someone enjoyable, fun, and accessible to you!! You totally got this. Reading IS fun! I read books because I got bored with TV, could never fully pay attention. With reading, I can sink into a new world and stay in it for hours and hours without pulling out my phone. It’s the best!

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