September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    So I’m on the Ray Bradbury TV Tropes article, and I find this:

    “‘The Watchers’ is probably one of the most terrifying things ever penned. In it, the narrator’s friend, having feared animals all his life, finally discovers that animals are actually helpers created by God, whereas bacteria are the real evil creatures. Having discovered this, he starts to be eaten alive before he can tell anyone, takes a boiling-hot shower in a futile attempt to save himself, then wildly drives his car into a ditch. The narrator, seeing his corpse, sets the car on fire, and afterwards is typing out the discovery on his typewriter. The last paragraph or so is a terrifying account of the various germs slowly destroying him from the inside. The story ends with a line of typed gibberish as his eaten-away body fails and presumably falls onto the typewriter.”

    Wow, that’s… horrifying, I actually had a nightmare just from that. But that was a while ago. Anyway, I was talking about it with my Creative Writing teacher (who loves Ray Bradbury’s stories), and we wanted to find it. However, “The Watchers” seems to be another story about people on Mars watching Earth explode, probably good, that’s not what we’re here for, though, so. Whenever I search up “ray bradbury bacteria story” I just get Fever Dream. Can someone help me find it?

    by Additional-Action-88

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