Edit 2: as one cannot edit the title I just wanted to put it in here that I did not know that the term transsexual is considered having a negative connotation! Sorry about that!
Hey there people! I already tried and used the search function and I did write down a couple books but it’d be great if I had some help to get together a list of books, articles, essays and so on to read about what I would consider topic of social importance.
Basically I am someone that considers themselves as pretty well educated BUT as a white male, I know there’s so much I just cannot fathom people went through and I often catch myself having a hard time when having an argument about (as an example) transphobia, I am absolutely trans positive and love all my queer peers (I identify as a gay male).. but sometimes it’s hard to be able to help educate friends when I myself only have like 10% of knowledge.
So tl;dr:
Looking for books that help me get knowledge and perspective on the life of people who face social injustice on a regular basis.. so:
* Trans
* Non-Binary (and any other gender identities that come to mind)
* People of color (gladly even queer people of color experiences)
* Racism (how it started, why it started and what one can do to combat it)
* Feminism / Patriarchy (same as above, how and why did this even start to exist etc.)
PS: English isn’t my mother tongue, so recommendations can be English or German. 🙂
Thank you in advance! And sorry for rambling.
Edit: my list so far:
* Stamped from the beginning the definitive history of racist ideas in America
* The broken heart of America St Louis and the violent history of the United States, Walter Johnson
* The Apocalypse of Settler Colonialism, Gerald Horne
* The Half Has Never Been Told, Edward Baptist
* What Is Antiracism?, Arun Kundnani
* The sum of us, Heather McGhee
* White Fragility, DiAngelo
* The hidden wound, Wendell Berry
* Women, Race & Class, Angela Davis
* Patriarchy and Accumulation On a world scale, Maria Mies
* Bell Hooks, ain’t I a woman
by metronn