July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Which book and why? Sometimes it’s something really simple, or more complex, but I love books that help me think of things differently. It can be any genre, I just want to know how it changed things for you and why. Sometimes it’s just where you are at the time, or something as simple as you not thinking about something before. I love hearing this kind of stuff.

    by Missspriss

    1 Comment

    1. RhondaTheHonda on

      I was reading Ender’s Game for the first time when I was going through my divorce. The lessons of understanding your enemy allowed me to step back from my (obvious and understandable) emotional involvement and try to understand some things from my ex’s perspective. While I didn’t come to love the way Ender did, I came to realize that certain actions weren’t personally directed at me. It has helped to approach things with more logic and less emotional. Additionally, the lessons learned through Ender has helped me become much more compassionate in the last few years.

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