September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’ve recently read a few mysteries with a bit of thriller, like Everyone in My Family Has Killed Someone, Jackal, and What Moves the Dead. Nothing crazy, but it’s definitely gotten me moving towards the feeling of spooky season. I’d love to continue into something that’s a liiiittle bit spookier, but not something that will keep me looking over my shoulder/under my bed for the next week.

    Oh! If there’s a good amount of humor to defuse the spookiness, that’s definitely something I’d love. There’s a direct correlation between amount of spookiness that I can comfortably handle and the amount of humor that’s in the book.

    Also, my version of horror and spooky is like a Midwesterner’s version of a “spicy” dish. So take that as you will 🙂

    by ninjamoosen

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