September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    So I used to really love reading fantasy and in many ways it’s still the genre closest to my heart. But in the last year or so I’ve been reading other genres pretty exclusively, and though I’ve craved a return to fantasy, every time I pick up a new fantasy book I find myself having a really hard time getting into it. I’d love to find a fantasy series that I love again!

    My general tastes are books/series that feel more marketed toward adults and that do something unique with the genre (e.g. unique world-building, unique prose, etc.). I also love really messy/unlikable protagonists and situations where the villain was really just Our Characters’ Own Flaws/Mistakes All Along (the villain being another main character is also another great choice).

    Some examples of things I’m looking for:

    * I love A Song of Ice and Fire and the Witcher books – I’m big on epic fantasy when it feels thoughtfully fleshed out and grounded in human characters. Finding a new epic fantasy series that I really love is probably my main reading goal for this year.
    * Piranesi and Jonathan Strange were both really unique takes on the fantasy genre that I really liked, Piranesi especially I loved.
    * The Spear Cuts Through Water was another recent unique take I really liked.
    * Really liked the first Temeraire (though not quite enough to continue with the series).
    * All things Ursula Le Guin.

    Some examples of things I’m not looking for:

    * I think part of my issue is that a lot of fantasy reads as pretty YA, even when it’s marketed as adult/has adult protagonists. There’s nothing wrong with YA of course, it’s just not what I’m looking for. I felt that way recently about Brandon Sanderson, V.E. Schwab, Samantha Shannon, and Tamsyn Muir (I like a lot of things about the Locked Tomb series, it just never quite clicked).
    * Similarly, while I’m by no means strictly against child/teenager protagonists, they do make me a bit hesitant because I’m worried that the book will feel marketed more toward that age-group.
    * Name of the Wind really didn’t work for me.
    * The Queen’s Thief series is another I tried recently and couldn’t get into.
    * I do love a good romance, but the “romantasy” genre (which I used to read a lot of) really hasn’t been doing it for me lately. A romance that feels like it diverges significantly from the typical tropes and is imbedded in its own complicated story is something I’d be interested in, though it’s definitely not a prerequisite.

    Things currently on my list (very open to thoughts on these!):

    * I’ve thought about trying Wheel of Time, but I’ve also heard that Jordan can’t write women for his life, which. You know. Not a complete dealbreaker, but not ideal. Would be interested to hear whether that flaw is worth reading through.
    * I’m planning on checking out NK Jemisin!
    * Nicola Griffith seems like she might be up my alley?
    * I read The Blade Itself many years ago and don’t remember it having left a strong impression, but I’m thinking of picking it up again?

    That was a lot of text so big big thanks to anyone who read through all that. And thank you so much in advance for any suggestions!

    by bbdooley

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