September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’ve been reading fan-fiction since the age of 13 (nope, 13 y/os should not have access to A03, oh god, what was I thinking 🥲). I’ve read my fair share of fics, raging from the average and expected, the cringy, the overdone, the down right ‘I think this author needs to see a therapist’ to some of the worst things I’ve ever read. But, once in a blue moon, I’ll read something *too good*. Just great writing, world building, character, dialogue. Obviously, fan-fiction authors have the vantage point of cherry picking from already existing worlds, characters, plots etc etc – but that doesn’t make some of the great works I’ve read any less impressive to me. Maybe it’s because my expectations are already at rock bottom, meaning that anything even mildly impressive already gets a ‘wow’ but there really is so much talent and skill within fan communities that produce some great works of fan-fiction.

    If you are willing to share, what works have you read that have left you hoping that the author branches out and publishes their own works some day? What are some of the, in your opinion, best fan-fictions out there?

    by According_Bat_8150

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