September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    For those out of the loop, the Hunger Games is what you get when you throw twenty-four kids into the wilderness and tell them to kill each other until there’s only one left standing.

    My bets are on Jackson, Thomas, and Josh.

    Jackson (Alaska earthquake) grew up almost entirely off the grid in harsh Alaskan wilderness, and it’s made very obvious very early on that he’s as tough as his environment. He’d have been taught, both from books and experience, what’s edible and what’s not, how to start a fire, build a shelter, track prey, find nests to pilfer eggs, etc. His downfall, though, might be some of the other kids catching onto how well he’s doing, and then banding together to plunder all his food and supplies.

    Thomas (Battle of Gettysburg) seems to be pretty good at finding food on his own. He can even hunt small prey (like squirrels) without tools. He’d probably also have learned from the School of Hard Knocks which plants are edible and which aren’t.

    Josh (California wildfires) is a pampered rich kid from the suburbs. He’d be screwed if he was home alone for any extended period of time, never mind being dumped into the Hunger Games.

    Marcus (Pompeii) would likely know what plants are edible and what aren’t and where to find the edible ones, but I don’t think he’d have any practical experience in the matter whatsoever. He almost certainly wouldn’t be able to hunt for anything, and even if he did manage to catch something, he strikes me as a soft-hearted animal-lover who wouldn’t be able to bring himself to butcher it (Unless he was r e a l l y hungry).

    by daystar-daydreamer

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