July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello Steinbeck fans, I hope my thoughts and opinions on the book don’t offend you or anything: but let’s get straight to it. My English teacher had us read Of mice and Men for a while and it was really good: Steinbeck is a genius writer (now that I’ve read a few other of his books) and he really knows how to put emotion in the characters and make you actually care.

    Back to the main topic: two days ago, I started The Pearl and was pretty excited. Present day: I struggle to care about the characters and I just feel that there’s not enough backstory to the characters. There is a lack of dialogue too, Steinbecks dialogue feels so real and I thought that was a huge miss for this book. Heck, I literally decided not to read it today because of my enthusiasm being so leveled. This is very strange for me because almost every Steinbeck book I’ve read has something in it that makes me excited to pick it up.

    Although I am only half way through the book, so there could be some good stuff I haven’t yet gotten to. Please don’t make the comments rude.

    (What’s your thoughts?)🥰

    by Gurrrrmondays

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