September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I have finished the book anxious people. And I really enjoyed it.

    Like other backman’s books, I had hard time going through the first half of the book. but About halfway through the book, I found hostage drama so enjoyable and heartwarming.

    I liked the way he switched between narrative and police interview, I found it refreshing and there are also lots of humor on it.(The fact that they couldn’t tell the police the truth and acted like idiots was quite hilarious:) )

    I also enjoyed the ending of the book, which is the meeting of Jack(Young police officer) and Nadia(psychologist who were rescued by him).

    Jack suffered from trauma that he couldn’t save someone who had jumped from rail. And he was also undergoing that through his life.

    But in the ending he realized the person that he saved became psychologist, and tried to save tons of other children preventing from doing drastic choice. I guess it cured him and her both a lot.

    I mean, he realized that thanks to his rescue, he ended up saving tons of other lives as well.

    That went well with the quote in the book, “We save those we can.”

    Even though I read the book in English translation version, I also happened to find out the Korean version of the book, and I also liked the bookcover photograph of it.

    Whereas the American edition bookcover focused on rail of the bridge(I think it represent Jack and Nadia on the rail), Korean edition showed the rabbit watching the firework through the balcony(and he is holding pizza and the picture of frog and elk!), which was also mindblowing and heartwarming scene of the book.

    It’s fun to compare the cover of the both books, and it was interesting that they focused on different moments on the book, which were both impressive on the book.

    I will show you both the pictures of bookcovers on right after this post!

    by Key-Campaign7759

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