September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    An odd request but I *love* a book that is considered potentially to be boring. It’s an aspect o my anxiety. I often relisten to titles that do have more adventure since I know what happens very comfortably without a guess, but I do enjoy getting new content but I don’t always want to to be a thrilling experience when while it’s fiction. Sure I could read a synopsis of an exciting books but I want my guilty pleasure of a relaxed fiction book! I like how often stories considered to be boring are seen as low stakes since they only impact some personal investment to the main character not the wider world. Pride and prejudice could easily be seen as a boring book, the only people who are truly affected are individuals. Some people hate how Tolkien rambles about what could be considered useless but I adore those parts the most. But I still want to be engaged by what’s happening in the book. Suggestion for a delightfully boring book?

    by Leather_Cry_4444


    1. WerewolfBarMitzvah09 on

      A Gentleman in Moscow might fit the bill. It’s very well written, but not a whole lot actually happens during most of the book in terms of action. It’s sort of a soothing read, especially before bedtime.

    2. AmsuedPigeon on

      Legends and Lattes was a surprisingly good read for me – I’ve never played D&D but reading about the MC opening a coffee shop was delightful. Very low stakes and slice of life

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