September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I have goodreads and I came across a dilemma today after finishing I Have No Mouth, & I Must Scream.

    I would rate that book like 3 or 4 stars as it did what it intended to do, it created a scene of hell for humanity at the hands of a sadistic computer who plays God with them, and did a good job at describing how horrible the things inflicted upon them were. I see a lot of people on there though rating it poorly for being “torture p*rn” and misogynistic, which yes the way Ted/the author talks about Ellen is insanely gross and weird asf, but when it comes to what AM does to them, is the torture not actually beneficial to the story in a sense of having you the reader experience discomfort like the characters? I have a lot more opinions on it but it’s not what I wanted the topic of discussion to be.

    So now this has me questioning how to best rate books. Typically I’d rate it on how well put together the writing was, how well developed the characters are, how interesting and cohesive the plot is etc, but for stuff like this I feel like im questioning how I rate stuff now when it seems the majority vote is overtly negative and it does seem to be fairly controversial? @_@

    All in all I mostly wanted to have a conversation with other book lovers on how they go about deciding if a book is amazing or not to guage whether or not i should raise my standard in books so the topic isn’t mostly focused on ihnmaims, but any opinions about that book would also be appreciated 😉

    by Ok-Armadillo-8995

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