September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi so I’m currently going through a new chapter in my life that I’m so excited about it’s quite a long story really, but I really would love to read a book about a character who might be going through the same or similar thing. Preferably a female main character who is finally deciding to drop everything and follow her dreams and go after her art it can be any form of art/creativity, and is kind of having a new shot or change at life but it obviously can’t be that simple, some sort of struggles and obstacles in the way maybe even self doubt anything like that. no romance

    I saw a quote on online the other day and honestly a book that is the embodiment of this quote would be chefs kiss… “ every girl thinks they are too much until they realize that their body is just begging them to pour their heart into their art instead of a boy. your intensity if for your work, boys are to eat with and cuddle after a passionate episode alone in your studio”

    by Amordiosa

    1 Comment

    1. whichwoolfwins on

      Not fiction but Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert talks about stories of people finding their passion. Will try to think of some fiction books though!

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