September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi, I’m a first year undergraduate math student. I have a passion in mathematics, in my university, for all first year students need to undergo a system called TPB(joint preparation stage) where all first year students learn highschool subjects with extra advancement. You will enter your major by the second year. In my faculty, my only option of major is only mathematics and actuarial science. Actuarial science is a highly prestigious major in my faculty, around 75% of the students aiming that one. Consequently, I need to have a fairly high GPA to be that lucky student. Unfortunately the last year’s GPA wasn’t that good enough, even if that’s the cumulative GPA of 1st and 2nd sem I won’t be able to enter actuarial. So I imagine the worst case, my major is pure math. From that imagination, a feeling of doubt and doubtful questions appeared. Like what is my future would gonna be like, and so forth. Please tell me your thoughts. I sincerely need it rn.

    by INTPish_ENTP

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