July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    So , I first discovered this book from a book review channel on yt and at first glance I found this book very fascinating. Later on I heard the summary and audiobook of this book and I was amazed by how people around us in our daily life could be filled with phycopathic and narcissistic people and they are continuously trying to control us and through this book I have gained a shield to prevent these type of people and their mind games by intercepting their manuvers . A lot of people find this book as a sort of dark phycological trap but for me I like to see these laws more from a defensive prospective rather a attacking point .
    This is my opinion on this book and tbh I think this book is 9/10 for me . Took me 5 months to complete this book coz I’m a slow reader and English is not my mother language so yeah …

    Anyways let me know your opinion on this book . Have a great day

    by Aamon_3301


    1. When you have seen these principles described clearly, you will recognize them often!

      I think many people do these innocently, but *some* people really do want to control you.

      (Your English is fine!)

    2. Yeah every human has a narcissistic side in them which is normal for most human behaviours but some people are just seeking control over one.

    3. RobbertDownerJr on

      It’s like defense against the dark arts, the book helped me to recognize and avoid certain types of people.

    4. I read it the same way and it helps me navigate the corporate world, which let’s admit it, is filled with sociopaths.

      I argue that The Prince should be read as a warning as well.

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