July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    As the book has a character who is a genuine knight in armour (literal or metaphorical). A character who does the right thing no matter the odds and believes in their cause to their core. Ideally they should be struggling against great odds.

    by Nartan457


    1. Elizabeth Moon, the Deeds of Paksenarion series. Poor farming girl defies the odds and all naysayers. TW: there is some detailed violence in both battles and torture scenes and some not detailed SA.

    2. more_d_than_the_m on

      It’s a commitment, but the Codex Alera series might work. Lots of epic struggles and righteous causes, but it’s a bit of a slow build – the protagonist is a scrawny teenager at the beginning and takes a while to really come into his own (doesn’t stop him from saving the realm in book 1, but still.) But by book 3 or so he’s got armor and overwhelming odds galore. They’re a lot of fun too, although book 1 is definitely the slowest because the author spends a lot of time setting up different characters and arcs.

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