July 2024
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    Helpp I think tiktok has convinced me to read A Little Life, but I see plenty of ppl who take breaks from reading it. Worth reading or not??

    by haliekables


    1. Fuzzy-Palpitation271 on

      I’ve DNFed this twice. And not bc of the content… I found it so unbearably boring. But the ppl who love it, LOVE it.

    2. Fearless-Beach9212 on

      if you love pure over 800 pages tragedy type of books and ready to be completely devastated after reading it – go for it, buddy

      i’ll hold a box of tissues for ya

    3. No, I got more than half way through and didn’t finish. It’s boring, drawn out, and trust trauma porn. Don’t get me wrong people can have truly tragic life’s but the author just didn’t do it right

    4. Ahh the comments are still 50/50 idk what to dooo. I hate DNFing books, and I just DNFd my most recent one 🙁

    5. LiterarilyFine on

      Yes. Just yes.

      If you can, I think it’s better read without any breaks. Don’t DNF in part 1, once you’re past that it picks up.

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