July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I wonder if this (very) long book is worth giving a chance considering I’ve heard about it quite a lot and I am curious to see your opinion about it. Thank you 🙏

    by marsisfullofcats


    1. Yes. It reads faster than you think. I don’t remember it as a very long book, just regular long

    2. This is one of my favorite books of all time and absolutely worth it. I wish I could experience it for the first time again.

    3. ms_chiefmanaged on

      Pachinko is a family saga across 4-5 generations. Each generation carries the burden of previous generation while tries to give a better life to next generation. It is not heavy in dialogue. Warning though it is a tragic story and trauma is often relentless. It broke my heart many times as I saw parallel with my own family. In a way it was therapeutic.

      There is a Apple TV show based on the book that is EXCELLENT. It follows the book and adds more backstory to non family members.

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