September 2024
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    Hi all!

    My boyfriend said he wants to try reading a book. He said he’ll give the book a chance for 10 pages and then he will decide if he will continue or not. Being a reader myself I know sometimes it takes a bit longer to get into a book than 10 pages so I’m hoping for suggestions that will get him hooked from the first 10 pages.

    I gave him Brandon Sanderson’s books last time and he tried the first 10 pages and didn’t like it. I was thinking about Eragon this time. I was also thinking about Atomic Habits because I was hooked from the first 10 but he said he prefers stories (adventure, fantasy).

    He likes the following movies/series if that helps: Batman, Joker, The Godfather, Rush Hour, Pirates of the Caribbean.


    by SeaworthinessTop5176


    1. Try {{A Man Called Ove by Fredrick Backman}}. I usually do Sci-fi and fantasy, so this is outside of my norm. I loved this book and then I read more by the same author.

    2. What books did he enjoy in school, if any? Has your boyfriend done anything to research books himself or do you do all the labor? Does he really want to try reading or is he playing along with you wishing he would read?

    3. EccentricOtter307 on

      Project Hail Mary-Andy Weir

      Starts off strong, is fast paced, has a good story, and is pretty “easy” on the science portion of sci fi.

    4. ohdearitsrichardiii on

      Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy might have enough happening in the first 10 pages to keep him reading

    5. Have him eat a weed gummy and then drop him in your area’s nicest independent bookstore. Then tell him to wander around until he finds something that looks interesting to him.

      Really that simple.

    6. On Amazon/Google/Goodreads you can download samples of the beginnings of books. Have him do a bunch of random ones and see what sticks. **Red Rising** like someone else suggested is great or a zombie apocalypse book like **The Reapers are Angels** or even realistic fantasy like **The Scorpio Races** which has a killer opening line.

    7. OblongOctopussy on

      I really enjoyed City of Thieves. It was written by David Benioff, one of the showrunners for Game of Thrones.

    8. Anything James Patterson. Very easy to read and usually the action starts right out of the gate.

    9. I would recommend Ready Player One. After the first chapter you are hooked! The book is also very good.

    10. How does he feel about post-apocalyptic fiction?

      The Mountain Man series by Keith C Blackmore has quite a beginning to book one. You can read as many or as few books as you like. It also has a prequel called The Hospital, which is a longish short story, but pretty riveting.

    11. I’d recommend free the darkness by kel kade. It has a very quick start and has a lot of action and things that most boys/men who like action and adventure would enjoy.

    12. Actual_Opportunity90 on

      Rise of the Cheat Potion Maker #1: A Cultivation LitRPG Saga

      It’s a fantasy book that has a gaming aspect to it. The book is an easy to follow, light (and sometimes funny)reading, well written, and leaves you wanting more.

      I’ve read the same series of books that you have recommended him to try and I think we may have similar tastes in books

    13. Why not start with graphic novels? If he likes Batman, well, there are a lot of Batman books out there. Maybe he’d enjoy *Watchmen?* That starts out pretty strongly right out of the gate.

    14. Regardless what you choose, it should be short. Consider giving him the book version of a movie he likes.

      I don’t know if these will hook him in ten first pages, but I think they are good “beginner” books:

      – Hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy
      – A small short story collection of HP Lovecraft
      – First Witcher book (just a bunch of short stories, with some overarching story)
      – Animal Farm is short and a classic, though not really a story story and more just philosophical
      – Kings of the Wyld is very lighthearted fantasy, basically a love letter to DnD and rock music
      – Skyward by Brando Sando has a good prologue if I recall correctly

    15. Give him the Ex-Heroes series by Peter Clines, in addition to Peter Clines being a good author, the premise of those books are a great hook on their own! If he enjoys them you can use Paradox Bound to get him into more mainstream books!

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