As the title suggests I’m looking for a less gory alternative to the divine comedy. A book that tackles the same themes of sin and redemption just with less brutal descriptions of torture. I go to a Christian school and they forced us to read it in junior year of high school and let’s just say it really disturbed and upset my whole grade and caused a big fuss. This isn’t to say that provocation or violent books don’t have their place in a school setting (we read lord of the flies freshman year and it went fine) but this book was just way too intense for minors to be forced to read. I’m not a junior anymore (obviously) but I have been talking to the head of our English department about it and he said that if I could find a good alternative he’d hear me out. As I’m not Christian and would never read books like these on my own time I haven’t the slightest clue of where to start looking for an alternative… thoughts?
by Xx_sad_yeehaw_xX
*Paradise Lost* maybe? Even still an epic poem.
Well there’s Les Mis if you need a literary work about redemption!
Les Misérables by Victor Hugoérables
Does it have to specifically be a Christian author?