September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    It’s now so rare for writers to speak frankly about things, instead opting for a “respectful” answer. Whatever happened to literary feuds, to writers talking shit about each other? I miss those days. It’s good to have honesty from writers because all this “cordiality” prevents us from the important discussion about literary quality. Part of being into literature means expressing your opinion. There’s some awful writing out there and someone has to call it out, why not writers themselves? Also no one can convince me that all writers like each other because people have different tastes and personalities. I’m sure there’s a lot of bad blood going around and there’s no need to hide it.

    I’m wondering how everyone here would react to someone being a modern day Nabokov? Would it discourage you from reading their work or would you not care? People seem so sensitive these days like they want writers to be moral heroes as if it has anything to do with the work or even possible at all. No one is that good in their personal lives and expecting this from writers is just people being annoying and following the ugly social media trend of becoming angry at anything.

    by Carpet_dance

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