September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Have you ever wondered what it would be like to completely change your life? To leave behind everything and everyone you know? Be careful what you wish for. The past can come back to haunt you, ruin that new life you’ve so carefully built. Or, worse yet, to destroy you completely.

    Still, the bet sounds so easy and enticing at first – just leave it all behind. Become someone new, nothing like what you were. Leave behind all your worries, all the things you can’t stand about your life.

    But then it all starts to unravel. Friends become enemies and madness lurks in the shadows. Who will survive it? Can anyone win? Changing Lives – are you game? This isn’t just your “ordinary” book. You can expect so much more from Changing Lives. It’s not just a novel… It’s an adventure.

    With Bonus Material: – An Alternate Opening – An Alternate Ending – Deleted Content with comments by Michael W.T. O’Brien – Plus an Interview with Michael W.T. O’Brien and Cool Facts Hidden Inside the Book Michael W.T. O’Brien’s Changing Lives is revolutionary. The author breaks the fourth wall and brings his readers even deeper into his world of mystery, murder, and intrigue.

    If you’re tired of conventional writing, this novel is a must-read! O’Brien breaks all the rules, and you’re going to love him for it!

    Word Count: Approximately 104,937
    Rated Mature: For strong sexual content, adult language, graphic violence, alcohol reference and mild tobacco/drug reference.

    It can be found on Amazon ✌🏻

    by The_Bear_Cave_Cavern

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