September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Humans before WW2 were probably just concerned if they and their families can eat at the end of the day. my life, why I should be working until I’m old and what is the purpose of it all. When I zoom out and have a bird’s eye view of my situation, I find it kinda ridiculous that these are problems that modern humans are facing.

    Humans before WW2 probably were probably just concerned if they and their families could eat at the end of the day.

    Therefore, I’m fascinated by really seeing how humans used to live back then. What sort of problems, desires and goals they had compared to ours today. How humans used to live back then compared to us. Is there any book like that?

    by BlacksmithCrafty7348


    1. Bill Bryson, home. Doesn’t cover one specific period but there’s lots of social history in it!

    2. The Doll by Bolesław Prus, despised by polish HS students but fits your requirements well (and is long)

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