September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I am so over these overhyped, over rated books written by authors who simply cannot write continuously getting praise and being “best sellers” over actually good reads that never get the same spotlight.

    I’m talking about the Colleen Hoovers and Taylor Jenkins Reids that write on a third grade reading level with predicable plots, badly written characters, who tell you their opinion and spoon feed you the story to get you to the point.

    It’s just so frustrating not only to have to be disappointed by these books after falling for the hype and reading them, but to see people eating it up time and time again.

    And I guess it makes sense, considering the audience these books are written over.

    I understand this is extremely pretentious and condescending of me. I wholeheartedly agree. I’m just so frustrated by this recurring trend and just don’t understand how these authors keep getting published.

    Opinions are subjective. But good writing isn’t.

    Ready to get receive a lot of hate on this one 🙃

    ETA: y’all can keep fighting in these comments. My original point stands. These books are receiving praise and lowering reading standards. This is not good. Continuing to publish this kind of content simply because it sells to the masses and not prioritizing other content that isn’t considering “easy reads” is bad.


    ETA (again): despite all the surface level, straw man, and ad hominem arguments on here, I’ve actually really learned a lot about publishing and the decline of adequate and quality editing over the last few years. I’ve also researched a lot more into the adult literacy rates and questionable marketing/promotion methods authors use. So thanks to everyone that actually commented something useful.

    To everyone else who called me smug and told me to let people enjoy things, I leave you with the greatest twitter post I’ve seen yet:

    “‘Let people enjoy things.’ Ok I enjoy critical analysis and being a hater.”

    Gossip girl 😘😘

    by Realistic-Ball1414

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