September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I love books in which the narrator turns out to be unreliable. Books where you think whats going on or you have an inclination something is off, then boom. Things change as narrator has been lying to you, or they’re crazy, etc.

    The problem is, how do i find t these books? If you recommend them to me, then I am going in knowing something is going to change and things will be spoiled. Are there summaries you look for? Certain authors? Just read a bunch of stuff and happen upon them?

    Any ideas?

    by BlueLightSpecial83


    1. You just described Naked Lunch from William Burroughs of the ” Beats” generation of writers, Ginsberg, Kerouac too. I know for a fact Ginsberg has to testify to Congress with respect to the possible banning of the book.

    2. If you’re fairly forgetful, take recommendations and mix them up with other books on your TBR and then read them at random.

      Alternatively, ask for recommendations for a bunch of different tropes/themes you like and ask people not to reveal what fits with what.

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