September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Its absolutely mind-blowing how little I cared about history classes in high school, but now that I’ve started reading stories that give me an emotional connection to historical events, I can’t get enough of it! I’ve always been drawn to old ways of life, (which probably started with Little House on the Prairie) but essentially anything homesteading, herbal medicine, etc; anything along those lines is great, but even better if it ties to a major historical event. I was truly blown away how much I learned (and retained) about the American Revolution just based on a few random novels! I love learning about history in a more personal way. I love having a story that revolves around characters I care about but also depicts the major important events. So much more effective than memorizing dates and battle stats, etc. I don’t need absolutely perfect historical accuracy either, I always enjoy the research after watching something and finding out the gritty details on my own once I have the story to associate it with! Give me your favorites pretty please!

    by S0rchaa

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