September 2024
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    Obviously a case of pot calling the kettle black here as I’m a huge fantasy fan but Reddit and its base tend to skew more towards fantasy fans. Most discussion, even in this sub, tend to turn into people talking about Sanderson or Rothfuss or Jordan.

    That being said. What are some of your favorite books not in those genres?

    by GryffinDART


    1. Thequestionablemoon on

      Favorite fiction is probably All the Kings Men by Robert Penn Warren. Favorite non-fiction is Imagined Communities by Benedict Anderson. I think about Imagined Communities almost every day and it completely changed how I view the world

    2. This post is likely to be removed. However, one of my favorites is _Wolf Hall_, by Hilary Mantel. It is some time since I read it, but I can open it at any page and find something of interest. It is superbly written.

    3. ScoopingBaskets on

      Essay collections:
      – All the Wild Hungers (Karen Babine).
      – Braiding Sweetgrass (Robin Wall Kimmerer).
      – How Far the Light Reaches (Sabrina Imbler).
      – Lost Wax (Jericho Parms).
      – The Anthropocene Reviewed (John Green).
      – The Everybody Ensemble (Amy Leach).
      – The Sound of Undoing (Paige Towers).

      – Four Seasons in Rome (Anthony Doerr).
      – Deep Creek (Pam Houston).
      – Easy Beauty (Chloé Cooper Jones).

      Murder mysteries:
      – almost anything by Agatha Christie
      – The Thursday Murder Club series (Richard Osman)

    4. Murder mysteries are my absolute favourite, mysteries in general, thriller and horror as well

    5. iNeedScissorsSixty7 on

      I recently started getting into Historical Fiction. My favorite of them so far has been Essex Dogs, by Dan Jones (he’s an historian), set in the Hundred Years’ War in 1346. The sequel comes out very soon and I’m pretty excited.

    6. I do love me some fantasy and SF, but I also love a lot of other stuff.

      Don Quixote, The Sound and the Fury, Never Let Me Go, The Wind-up Bird Chronicle, Jane Eyre, Blood Meridian & Suttree, Alice Munro shorts, etc.

    7. petulafaerie_III on

      Vernon God Little by DMC Pierre is a satirical fiction novel about how reality is shaped by the media.

      No Friend but the Mountains by Behrouz Boochani is a non-fiction novel with a creative storytelling style about the author’s experience as a political still refugee to Australia.

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