September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’ve read some horror here and there, but not entirely an avid reader of the genre, though I’d like to read some more. First: what are some good horror to have (spooky) fun with exploring the genre? (I know Stephen King’s big, I got a couple of his books on my tbr.) And two: am curious to the body horror subgenre. Not read anything of it whatsoever (as far as I’m aware), so would love some recs there too.

    Thanks a bunch in advance to help med get even more terrified of the dark 👻

    by whatinpaperclipchaos


    1. Body Shocks edited by Ellen Datlow – various authors writing body horror stories so you could get a taste of different writers and maybe dive further from there!

    2. SaffronSiren281 on

      One of my favorite horror writers is Brian Keene. His stuff is very B-movieish, 80’s creature feature-esque but he’s my guilty pleasure. My two favorite horror books are Dark Hollow by Brian Keene and Stolen Tongues by Felix Blackwell. Stolen Tongues has the absolute scariest opening scene I’ve ever read. I couldn’t sleep with the lights on for probably a week.

    3. Our Wives Under the Sea has light body horror and would be good as an introduction. If that story from last summer of people trapped in the submersible at the Titanic caught your attention in anxiety this is a great book for you.

    4. Here are two you may like:

      * Nightflyers and Other Stories by George R. R. Martin. I haven’t read any of his fantasy novels, but this collection of short stories is mostly horror sci fi, some with body horror.

      * The Stars Are Legion by Kameron Hurley. One of my favourites, has both cosmic horror and body horror. Goes great with the prequel story Warped Passages, found either in Meet Me In the Future by Hurley, or Cosmic Powers edited by John Joseph Adams.

    5. ImpressionistReader on

      My Best Friend’s Exorcism by Grady Hendrix is a fun horror book, and Sour Candy by Kealan Patrick Burke is a very entertaining novella with a mix of body and cosmic horror.

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