September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Regarding physical traits in the book or physical text, what is a book that made you physically uncomfortable or otherwise taken aback?

    An easy pick for me is House of Leaves. With a mix of storytelling and organization and text formatting, it resists being read, it is so difficult to get through the first half or so. The formatting alone is so daunting, with all of the footnotes and the separate stories going on simultaneously in a way that we don’t typically see. I don’t know how far I was into the book before I realized the word “house” is blue and it was just so slightly off that I thought maybe it was a combination of my eyes and printing quality, fading ink and lighting, but I simply could not let it go for some reason. It was so intrusive emotionally and subliminally that when I Saw the word again I noticed the blue and so of course I went back through what I had just read and it completely messed me up In so many ways, because how did I not notice that this whole time, has it affected the way I’ve been reading everything, etc? And going back to check every instance of the word brought me back into the spiral of what I just read previously and I experienced it all over again. What was I not noticing or what was I going to find out later?

    This book comes off so strongly and it’s safe to say it’s pretty unique for doing exactly that. But it makes me wonder, this can’t be the first time a book is doing this, right? It makes me want to reread other books I’ve been disturbed by

    by MoistCurdyMaxiPad

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