September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Have you ever read a book that you thought was ALMOST good? I mean a book that is generally well-written and mostly enjoyable or entertaining, except for ONE aspect that ruined it, whether big or small. If so, what was the book and what part of it made it so difficult to read for you?

    For me, I’d pick Chuck Palahniuk’s ‘Haunted’. The book is basically a collection of short stories that are woven together by an overarching narrative, making it a novel. Surprisingly, I really liked a lot of the short stories, as gross and gory as they were, but I hated the story connecting them together. I found that the overall novel was so boring and tedious because of it, and I kept wishing that it would be republished just as a short story collection.

    by SuperbSpider


    1. i know a lot of people loved this book, but i feel that way about “the secret life of addie larue”. the concept was interesting, but the story really dragged and the ending was so cliche. tbh, i should’ve known it was not going to be the best when the author quoted her own story at the beginning. such a weird move.

    2. ConsistentlyPeter on

      Those Agatha Raisin books were almost good. Something about them I didn’t quite like enough and I’m buggered if I can put my finger on what it was. 

    3. Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow

      I still wouldn’t have liked it as much as everyone else I talked to, but I thought it was fine till the >!unexpected pregnancy + HIMYM finale!< tropes right on top of each other that really killed my overall enjoyment.

      I actually also agree about Haunted!

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