September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    … telling Lady Dedlock his friend Tony Weevle is aristocratic and has her portrait (which was the closest thing to playboy pictures a man of his station could get his hands on) on the wall is not only peak Guppy, but peak Dickens.

    It always gets a chuckle out of me. And makes me wonder whether Lady Dedlock was aware that her likeness was among the beauties of the land in a series of undoubtedly cheap reproductions. I imagine actresses for instance would’ve known they were among those beauties.

    by bofh000


    1. Guppy is the best.

      I imagine Lady Delock knew about the images – the aristocracy were the celebrities of their day, so it’s hardly surprising.

      Am I remembering incorrectly, or was Lady Dedlock an actress in her youth?

    2. mind_the_umlaut on

      LOVE *Bleak House*. If you haven’t seen the BBC production with Gillian Anderson as Lady Dedlock and the brilliant Phil Davis as Smallweed, you’re in for an experience!

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