September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Edit: I really appreciate all the site and resource suggestions, but I’ve already looked into most of what’s been suggested/she already uses it. At this point I’m looking more for the boon recommendations.

    She likes: romance, light on the spice, urban fantasy, m/m romance, all with HEA. She wants fluff. Nothing too heavy or involved.

    My friend asked me for a site that can search Amazon Kindle books but with more specific filters for her specific reading wants.

    While I figure out exactly what she’s looking for with that, does anyone here have any recommendations for urban fantasy, m/m, HEA books? Preferably available on ebook/Kindle. Thank you!

    by Perdztheword


    1. The Storygraph app/site might help her. It’s got a ton of filters. It doesn’t filter Amazon directly, but once she finds something she wants to read she can go search it on Amazon and it will most likely be on there.

      I know there’s a way to add a picture to a post but I’m not seeing it for some reason, so here’s a screenshot from Storygraph:

    2. Library apps in the US are readable on kindle, so that’s an option of searching. But it’ll only show what that district/system has licenses for.

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