September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’ve never been a very big reader, but I’m trying to get into it this year so I can have other hobbies rather than being on my phone. Whenever I read I have a hard time understanding what’s going on, my mind often wonders elsewhere even though my eyes are still reading the words. I constantly worry about if I’m understanding what’s happening and I often stop reading to think about what’s happening. I have troubles remembering things that happened in past books and it bothers me because I always want a very deep understanding of what I read. Sometimes I even randomly stop in the middle of a page to look something up…and end up spoiling lots for myself. Ive been able to get super INTO a book a few times but it’s hard for me to get there, most of the time I just feel like my eyes are reading and not my brain. I’m not dyslexic or have any learning disabilities so it’s not that, I feel like it might be my inexperience with reading. I was wondering if anybody else has/had problems like this and how they overcame it.

    by cla1relaurain


    1. Have you tried audiobooks? Are you more concerned about absorbing knowledge or story, or are you specifically interested in improving reading skills?

    2. Personal-Entry3196 on

      I suggest you start with short stories, and then work your way up to longer reads. If you’re interested in some short stories to start with, let me know your interests and I’ll be happy to suggest some.

      Part of the problem imo is your using the phone for entertainment. You’re not used to a guiet brain activity, so you need to train your brain.

      I’m struggling with the best way to express the concept I’m trying to get across without getting all sciencey.

      Edit for clarity

    3. ManyDragonfly9637 on

      What are you reading? If you’re not a big reader, don’t jump right into James Joyce or someone like that. Do you have undiagnosed ADD or ADHD? If so, there are a lot of tips and tricks on TikTok or Instagram. Biggest question: Are you actually interested in what you’re reading? It really just might come down to you reading something boring.

    4. Artistic_Moose_1102 on

      If you donˋt have any learning disabilities maybe start with stand-alone and shorter books (less than 100/90 pages). You could also start with reading plays, because you only have to focus on the dialogue there. I have read in an article one time that your brain can get used to reading, when done regularly and you can actually learn it.

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