September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    hi everyone! finishing a book was close to impossible for me growing up as my ADHD would make it hard to stay focused on it even if I was interested in the subjects of the book, so this year I resolved myself to start reading them and try my hardest to get into reading in general as I love the English language (it’s not my first language) and I genuinely want to be more well-read and learn more about the world and literature, but also for fun and escaping-your-daily-life purposes.

    I researched a bit and decided that I wanted to read all of the classics that I’d missed out on in the past centuries. And I have read 4 “classic” books so far, please don’t judge me as I’m a slow reader lol but I gotta say it’s been fun! I surprisingly enjoy it a lot and reading has started to feel more natural and engaging. I have tried to read books before that my friends have gifted and suggested to me but I never felt pushed in my heart to finish them. I enjoy it significantly more now but I’m starting to worry that maybe I’m restricting myself a bit here by only reading classics, and I might start to feel disinterested again. and I know for a fact there are a lot more amazing stories out there that I do not want to brush off just because they aren’t considered classics.

    so, getting to the point, I wanted to ask if you guys have any recommendations for someone who wants to get hooked into reading, I see people who get incredibly excited about books and plot twists and whatnot, and I think what I have read so far, i 100% enjoyed reading them, but they were quite mellow and predictable to my modern brain. I want to read something exciting and that actually makes me enjoy the medium. if you have been in my place before, I would love to know how you got sucked into this world and what your absolute favourite books are. I also don’t find myself re-reading any of the books I’ve read so far for personal pleasure, even though I do not find them bad!! I just.. I don’t think it’s gonna happen anytime soon. also, I want to say I want to get into reading solely as a hobby and for personal enjoyment. I watch a lot of movies/shows and I am sure that I’ll be able to get into books just as easily if only I find the right ones for me. below are the “classic” books I’ve read so far.

    1. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
    2. The picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
    3. 1984 by George Orwell
    4. Animal Farm by George Orwell

    I enjoyed To Kill a Mockingbird and 1984 a whole lot. I think I like stuff with a proper narrative/story and that also makes you think about the world.. so probably just like everyone else haha. I would love recommendations in any genre, just anything you find exceptional and can recommend to a stranger :). thanks for reading and please be kind!



    by ghosting_0

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