September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    From the books that i will list below, which was given to me by my professor, which one do you think is easier for someone who never finished a book in his life.

    1- On war by Von Clausewitz
    2- The prince by Nicolo Machiavelli
    3- Conflict resolution in the twenty first century by Bercovitch and Jackson
    4- Humanitarian wars by Carlo Jean
    5- End of history by Fukujama
    6-Clash of civilisation by Huntington
    7-Diplomacy by Kissinger
    8-On grand strategy by Lewis Gaddis
    9-Military strategy by J.C Wylie
    10- The interest of America in sea power, present and future by A.T Mahan

    Thank you!

    by Apocalyptic_Duck

    1 Comment

    1. JeremyAndrewErwin on

      A stab in the dark….

      Probably the Prince, if you pick a good, recent translation?

      Perhaps this one.


      Don’t pick a 19th century author (Mahan) or a 19th century translation of Clausewitz or Machiavelli. And some of those more recent books are probably weightier than they should be.

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